About Holly Justice

Holly-Justice_Smile_HeadShot_LIConnecting people to knowledge is my passion. Why not change ourselves and the world through open communication?


E-Learning, Technical Writing, Instructional Design, Communication Tools, Software Implementation and Testing, Online Research and Mentoring, Content Management, Leadership

Portfolio Samples

The samples I have provided here are suitable for the general public.


I created this video in a collaborative volunteer project with UMACHA.org. I created a short visual educational video to replace an aged lengthy webinar. The Training Director and I worked closely to validate my content and new theme was on track. For visuals, I worked with their Marketing team to find out what we could use or reuse at no extra cost.  It has served them well this year!

SlideShare Course: Leadership Sources of Power

This self-paced course appeals to learners through real-life problems, realistic examples, and interactive polling. Learners can recall or scan content quickly using the automatic narrative. It extends the learning experience with links to additional resources. This course has reached thousands of people without any promotion on my part.

Event Summary: Is the LMS Dead? PDXEdTech Event

Using my photos and notes, I compiled a quick summary of a local Meetup event. I used interviews, websites, and LinkedIn profiles to accurately reflect each participant’s marketing vision. Through links, e-mails, and Twitter handles, readers can continue exploring topics of interest.

Chris waits for us to answer the questions...

Video: The Online Banking Test Scripts Project

A short video describing a short-term technical writing project. I used software testing, gap analysis, flow charting, and technical writing skills to help a large financial services client quickly solve a documentation problem.

A technical writing project describing online banking software through flow charts, test scripts and detailed instructions.

Blog Series: Conquering the Fear of Social Media 

In a short blog series, I persuade reluctant job hunters to consider giving social media a try as a way to virtually connect with others.

Conquering the Fear of Social Media

Research Paper: Using of Training Models to Improve Training Practices

An example of a college research paper on instructional design theory, specifically the ADDIE and Kirkpatrick training models. Will either theory help the corporate trainer who is stuck in rut?  I wrote this paper for a short college course entitled “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” based on the popular work of Dr. Stephen R. Covey.

Graphic - Use of Training Models to Improve Training Practices

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